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La Forêt 🍂

La Forêt_Dazhkaclaire_Claire O'Brien illustration Dazhka Claire
La Forêt

Hello Hong Kong... (I)

In my spare time I have been doing some tests just for fun, thinking about how I can weave my film-making more into my illustration work. It seems a shame not to use it, since I do love to edit.

The Goddess Guanyin 觀世音菩薩

Claire OBrien IllustratIon Childrens illustration Hong Kong

 This beautiful Goddess is the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion. I see statues of her every day from the bus window, in little street temples dotted all around Hong Kong.

Claire OBrien IllustratIon Childrens illustration Hong Kong
Yellow Guanyin 觀世音菩薩

I couldn't decide between pink or yellow for a finish. What do you think?
Pink Guanyin 觀世音菩薩